How To Make Better Night Sleep With Mattress Cleaning

mattress cleaning

How To Make Better Night Sleep With Mattress Cleaning

By Carolina Dickens 10 months ago mattress cleaning

If you want to get a good sleep on your mattress then cleaning is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and well-being. As you know sleeplessness affects your concentration, your moods, your ability to cope and ultimately, your relationships with others. Cleaning bedding is usually as important as washing your clothes and it needs attention to the wash symbols on your blankets, sheets, and pillowcases to make sure that you don’t shrink, stain, or damage your bedding. Keeping the mattress clean is a necessity and keeping the mattress safe and user-friendly should be an obligation to our and our family member’s bodies. 

Follow These Steps For A Healthy Mattress

Once you have removed the dust, there are a few different methods you can use to disinfect your mattress. To maintain a healthy mattress and ensure its longevity, follow these steps:

  1. Use A Steam Cleaner: Running a hand-held steam cleaner across the surface will help to kill germs and dust mites, and a sprinkling of baking soda will help to freshen the upholstery and remove mild odours. But to kill more bacteria, you’ll need to use a disinfectant solution of some kind. 
  2. Regular cleaning: While stains, odours, and dust mites are inevitable consequences of daily mattress use, regular cleaning can help to minimise these discomforts. Cleaning helps to remove the stains from your mattress. Be sure to check any instructions on your mattress tags, including any wash symbols before you begin, and do not apply too much water or mattress stain removal to your mattress. 
  3. Rotate and flip regularly: Rotate your mattress every three months to promote even wear. If your mattress is two-sided, flip it over as well. This helps prevent sagging and extends its lifespan.
  4. Use a mattress protector: Invest in a high-quality mattress protector to safeguard against spills, stains, and dust mites. A waterproof protector is particularly useful in preventing liquids from seeping into the mattress.
  5. Keep it clean: Regularly vacuum your mattress to remove dust, allergens, and dead skin cells. You can also spot clean stains using a mild detergent and warm water, but avoid soaking the mattress.
  6. Air it out: Open the windows and allow fresh air to circulate in the room regularly. This helps reduce moisture and prevents the buildup of odours.
  7. Avoid jumping on the bed: While it may be tempting, refrain from jumping or standing on your mattress cleaning. Excessive weight and pressure can damage the internal structure.
  8. Don't eat or drink in bed: Eating or drinking in bed increases the risk of spills and stains. It's best to enjoy meals and beverages in designated areas to prevent accidents.
  9. Follow manufacturer's instructions: Read and follow the care instructions provided by the mattress manufacturer. Different mattress materials may have specific cleaning or maintenance requirements.

Remember, maintaining a clean and healthy mattress contributes to a comfortable sleeping environment and promotes better overall sleep hygiene.


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