Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Spiders

pest control

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Spiders

By Carolina Dickens 11 months ago pest control

Most people usually dislike spiders even though some of these creatures are harmless. However, some of the spiders are very dangerous. Spiders like to invade quiet and dark places. It’s always unhygienic and risky to have these pests lurking around at home. They can probably cause infectious diseases. Following are some prevention tips that will help you in spider control without any external help.

Tips to Get Rid of Spiders:

1. Seal The Cracks And Openings

The foremost way to avoid the invasion of spiders is to seal even the smallest cracks and openings in windows, doors, vents or cable tubes. Spiders can easily crawl through these openings. You can use wire mesh at windows or vents or you can also use caulk to seal cracks in vents, or windows.

2. Turn Outdoor Lights Off

Usually, spiders are not attracted by lights, but the bugs they feed on are certainly attracted to lights. Other bugs are food to these spiders, so spiders trap them. These bugs are mostly found in lighted areas, where spiders can surely invade in search of their food.

3. Essential Oils and Vinegar

Many essential oils act as strong and natural spider repellent, so you can use these strongly scented oils to eliminate spiders. For Instance:

  • Peppermint oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Tea tree oil

Also, you can mix vinegar with water and spray it in the corners of the house or on spiders to get rid of them. This act of spider fumigation helps them to eradicate the spiders quickly. 

4. Regular Dusting

It is essential to maintain regular cleanliness in and around the house to deter any kind of pest infestation. Regular dusting and vacuum cleaning hinder spiders from building their webs at your place. Spiders like to hang around in dusty, cobweb-filled environments. Your house will look less appealing if it is neat and tidy. Dusting and vacuuming on a regular basis will prevent insects from setting up residences.

5. Plant Eucalyptus

Well, spiders are intolerant to the strong scent of the eucalyptus plant. You can plant eucalyptus to prevent the entry of spiders into your home. You can also use oil extracted from the eucalyptus plant to get rid of spiders by spraying it in the corners of the house.

6. Spraying vinegar

Spraying vinegar on pests can be an organic spider control way to get rid of them. Although it is safe for people to consume, spiders are quite sensitive to the acetic acid it has, resulting in it a sour odour. To use, combine vinegar and water in an equal amount in a spray bottle. Spray all about your house, paying special attention to the kitchen and other possible entry points for pests. Cleaning with vinegar is an excellent way to do two tasks at once!


Spider infestation indicates the presence of other pests too, which they feast on. You must practice these tips for pest control at your home. Although completely eliminating spiders may not be possible, you may drastically reduce the amount that lives in your house by rendering it less hospitable for them. Try one of these organic, risk-free, yet powerful techniques to keep these pests outdoors where they go instead of using poisons!


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